Terminal Cynic

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Location: Midwest, United States

August 07, 2005

Robin Cook - A Small Tribute

As a surly, often non-empathetic type, I'm not usually touched by the death of newsworthy personages. But Robin Cook's death at age 59 saddened me, because I admired the man. He was the Leader of the House of Commons in Great Britain, until resigning in 2003 in protest over the wrongfully justified and hastily pressed War on Iraq. I happened to be watching BBC at the time, and was able to see his entire resignation speech. It was very eloquent, civil, and to the point: There was no real evidence of a threat from Iraq, no proof of weapons of you-know-what, and no consensus in the rest of the world to join the vile neo-con rush to glory, riches, and a re-configured Middle East. (My words, not Mr. Cook's.) At the time of his speech it was inspiring to hear one voice of some authority stand up against the unstoppable stampede of fear-mongering and flag waving. It was also depressing since it clearly was unstoppable. A few months back I thought about that speech, and was able to find and read it. Here's the link.
