Terminal Cynic

Just what it says.

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Location: Midwest, United States

August 08, 2005

NPR - To Give or Not to Give - Suggestions Welcome

As always, the local Public Radio station is desperate for money to "balance the books by the end of the fiscal year". At least they're not inflicting us with an all-out pledge drive, but 20 or 30 second begs played at every program break opportunity.
I listen to NPR most every day while commuting, on Saturday morning for Car Talk and Wait, Wait - both of which I really enjoy, and Sundays for good jazz. So do I feel guilty for not "giving" to receive this free service? Not much. I hate being asked for money. If they never asked, it just might some day occur to me that here's something I enjoy, and it would be nice to give them some support or form of appreciation. Chances are I'd only think about it - but at least I'd have goodly intentions. But as soon as I'm asked for donations, and within a set time frame, I balk - probably it's a control thing. At any rate, since this is a pretty unobtrusive pleading, and since I need to charge more money this billing period on my Discover Card in order to keep my super low interest rate, and since the NPR station is giving away a new Toyota Prius to a lucky donor ......