Terminal Cynic

Just what it says.

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Location: Midwest, United States

August 27, 2005

NPR - Begging Update

Well, now the local Public Radio station has done it. Just as I was seriously considering a donation in appreciation of the 30 second "pledge money now" spots, they've gone into full throttle gab-fest beg-athon mode in a push to "meet their fiscal year end budget". They only need about $500,000 in the next 4 days. Each time their regular programming is interrupted by a pair of jabbering, phone number repeating, guilt inducing hosts, I get furious. The station is immediately switched - the only problem being I then am 70% likely to land on an annoying commercial, and 20% likely to land on a tune I have heard way too often and never liked in the first place. So here's my latest plan. I'll call the NPR station during the pledge drive and tell them just why I am NOT donating as long as they're asking me to. Then maybe I'll go to their website after the end of the fiscal year and donate. Except for the begging, they're better than commercials and stale music.